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What the hell August, what are you doing here?

August 4, 2016

A duck quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.

Good morning/evening cupcakes!

This is post number four out of thirty-one in my August challenge and today, I'm doing my monthly wrap up for the month of July. I know everyone says that everytime, but can you actually believe that another month is already over? Nothing we can do about that, right? 

Shall we get into this recap?

What books did you read in July?

You'll be proud of me cupcakes, I actually read five books. Five entire books! And they were all very good!

  • Eat Brain Love, by Jeff hart ★ : You know when a book surprises you by being five stars? This is one of them. Plot, characters, humor... everything was brilliant!
  • The Dirt on Ninth Grave, by Darynda Jones ★½ : Charley Davidson was delightful, as always, but I felt like the story was rushed a little.
  • The Possiblity of Now, by Kim Culbertson ★ : Inspiring, entertaining, thoughtful, and the list goes on. Perfect in every way!
  • What we saw, by Aaron Hartzler ★ : Victim shaming needs to stop ASAP. Rape needs to stop ASAP. And this book is a must read. 
  • I have a bad feeling about this, by Jeff Strand ★★★★★ : Jeff, you just got a spot beside Andrew Smith, Neil Gaiman and Rick Riordan on my list of favorite authors!
Alright, you read great books, but did you write anything good?

Always! I was busy getting ready for my challenge for August, but I did share some interesting enough content, thank you very much!
  • I shared a really cool post for my one year blogiversary that you can check out here! (psst! I have a giveaway on there too, but it's ending Saturday so you might want to hurry up and enter before it's too late!)
  • Have you ever realized how some types of books seem to have seasons associated with them? I did, and I wrote a discussion about it. Read it here!
And what about your real life?

What about it? Oh, you want to know what's been happening other than blogging? Well, aren't you a curious George!
  • I'm still working on that yoga and meditation thing. I'm hoping to find classes on campus in September to motivate me a little!
  • I've been practicing guitar! In a month, I can't believe how much I learned! I'm still a newbie, don't get me wrong, but I'm making progress!
    And I'll shamelessly do some promo for Justing Guitar, because it's the website on which I found a GREAT beginners course for free! The videos are clear, Justin is a great teacher, it's amazing all around! If you're looking to learn guitar, check it out
  • I've been shopping for things I'll need once I'm at university! I'm freaking out a bit (read: a lot) but I'll be fine. Enventually!
Sounds interesting enough. What about what's coming?

Well that's simple: 27 consecutive posts, and they'll be a mix of everything, so get ready!

And you are...

ending this right here, yes!

Take care cupcakes!
