As I mention in a previous post, I got a subscription to OwlCrate for my birthday!
For those of you ho do not know what OwlCrate is:
Every month we'll send you a magical box tailored to a chosen YA theme (e.g. paranormal, first love, dystopia.) Each box will contain one new Young Adult novel, as well as 3-5 other bookish keepsakes to help set the mood for your literary adventure.
from the official website
And guess what? I received my first box today! This month's them was Leading Ladies.
In it was:
-A super nice dauntless tote bag
-A very pretty arrow necklace referring to the Hunger Games trilogy
-A Game of Throne figurine
-Dumplin' the new release from author Julie Murphy
-Some cool postcard/pictures of Hermione
-A divergent bookmark
-A written note by Julie Murphy
-A Dumplin' sticker
Receiving this kind of box in the mail is truly amazing! I recommend to every single one of you to sign up for the next boxes because it is simply wonderful!
Thank you to the OwlCrate team and to every contributor!