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Beautiful blogger award -TAG-

February 5, 2016

It's story time guys!

Once upon a time, there was a girl wandering the magical land that is Twiter when suddenly, she saw a boy. This boy was new you see, he was only just starting his blog. Now, remembering that she had been not too long ago a new blogger too, the girl went to take a look at the boy's blog and what she found was quite interesting. The boy seemed really nice and his first post consisted of a mini intro so naturally, the girl posted a comment, welcoming him to the Kingdom (the blogosphere)
The girl kept seeing the boy and while they were friendly, they did not talk much. One day the girl received a letter from the boy telling her that he had chosen her, as well as a few others, to participate in this prestigious award.
The end.

Okay, not my best work I admit, but I wanted to tell you guys how I met Duane, over at Duane Reads, and encourage you to go see his blog because it is pretty cool! Now moving on to the subject of the day, Duane nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Here are the rule:

  • Link and thank the blogger who nominated you                                                                Already did! You even have a whole story about him! And Duane, thanks man!
  • List seven random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate seven creative, beautiful bloggers.
  • Notify the amazing people you nominated for the award.

 So let's get started! Here are seven random facts about me.

1 - I am French
If you didn't know that, well now you do! I'm from Canada and yes, people do speak French OUTSIDE of Québec.

2 - I love giraffes
I don't really know how to explain this one. I find them really cool: they just have spot or stripes, they have geometrical shapes all over their body! And did you know that a giraffe can kick a lion to death to defend itself? How absolutely bad ass is that!

3 - I love everything vintage
Clothes, jewelry, furniture...! I LOVE it! I even found my prom dress at a vintage clothing show: from 1977, with all the original price tags on it. It's a different look you know, classy, one of a kind.

4 - I have diverse taste
Seriously, I enjoy a lot of things. Food: I'm game to try pretty much anything. Spices and weird names don't scare me! Also, people don't believe me when I say that I listen to pretty much anything music wise. The only things I don't really like is country. Rap and screamo/metal, I like it sometimes. But everything else? Bring it on! Doesn't mean I'll enjoy every song, but you get what I mean. Finally, I also read a lot of different genre. Adult, YA, contemporary, fantasy, thriller, mystery, horror. Name it, I probably read it. The only one I have trouble with is historical fiction. But other than that, as I often say: if it sounds good, I'll read it.

5 - I do not have a cell phone
Shocker right? How can I live without one? It's actually fairly simple. You see, I simply... talk to people! Not so hard, is it? If I have to contact someone, I'll either call them or e-mail them. If I want Internet or if I want to play games, I have my lap top. If I want music, I have my i-pod. 
I just know myself; I'd always be on my phone if I had one and I have had so many people who were "having a conversation with" while texting and it is such a piss-off! I do not want to be that person. 

6 - I do not have a model or an idol
Really random I know, but I don't. I hate being asked this question: "who's your model Sophie? Who do you aspire to be like?" No one! No fucking one! Is it so bad, wanting to make my own path, wanting to do MY thing? I don't want to be like someone other than myself. Yeah, some people are inspiring, but that doesn't mean I want to become them, or be exactly like them. I don't aspire to be anyone other than myself. 

7 - I really enjoy doing puzzles
I do. I really do. When I was younger, my dad and I used to buy these puzzle boxes that had ten of them in it and we would to one per winter. We stopped for awhile, but lately, we started again and it is so satisfying to place a piece, and then another one! Seriously, puzzle are amazing!

I nominate...
Ok, I hate this part of tags because I never know who to nominate. I don't want to always nominate the same people and annoy them, but I would feel weird nominating someone I talked to once. 
Conclusion, I nominate no one and everyone. If you want to do this tag, be my guest! And let me know how it turns out! If you don't want to do it, just keep walking, I won't run after you like a crazy lady.

Take care guys!

Comments (10)

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Haha, I love how you introduced Duane! I'm checking his blog out right nowww! :)
But anyway wow, I can't believe you like vintage things! I've never really been able to get into it... :/ BUT YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY SHOW ME HOW COOL IT IS!! Because all those vintage things look so cool - but I can never seem to make them look cool on me :'(
WHAAAT - im actually dying right now without my phone haha xD It's so good you can go without it xD
I get what you mean about the model/idol thing - I don't really have one either! I used to have one...but I dunno, I kinda grew out of it?
Great post - it was fantastic to learn more about you!! :D
My recent post When I First Saw You | Draw The Line by Laurent Linn
1 reply · active 474 weeks ago
I felt creative!^^ And Duane is a really nice guy and I was a newbie not so long ago so if I can do anything to help him, I will :)
I LOVE vintage! I don't have that many ''real'' vintage clothing, but just style is so nice! I'll definitely show you guys my prom dress then :D And vintage doesn't have to be that extreme either. What I like so much about it is that it's different. Some of it is pretty extreme, but I simply like the fact that no on else will have the same thing as you ;)
I feel like I'm letting you guys down, but I'm actually going to get a phone tonight... BUT I HAVE A REASON! I had an incident last night where I took the city bus and was kind of lost and had to call my sister to get me and then we couldn't find each other...
I was going to wait till I had my full license because you know, if the car breaks down or anything, but we came to the conclusion that it would be useful. I really want to try to have it simply for emergency though! No texting friends 24/7. Actually, I don't even plan on telling them I got a phone.
Thank you so much for following my blog like you do Geraldine! Your comments always bring a big smile to my face!
I respect your self control SO MUCH for not getting a cell phone :D :D And wow, that sounds like a killer prom dress! Would love to see more of your vintage stuff *hint hint* And giraffes are the coolest, tbh.
My recent post Chinese Culture: Our Funerals and Mourning Traditions
1 reply · active 474 weeks ago
I feel like I'm betraying you, but I'm sadly getting a phone tonight. I had this incident last night that I explained in my reply to Geraldine (above) and I came to the conclusion that a cell phone could be very useful in case of emergencies. Especially when I'm late to work... But I really want to keep for that purpose only. I don't think I'll even tell my friends that I have a cell phone now.
Thank you! I was so happy to 1- find it so quick and 2- find a vintage one! I know that no one will have the same dress as me now! I can definitely post a pick on Twitter or something :)
Right?!?! Giraffe are my life. I just... They're awesome!
Thank you for your lovely comment!
I love vintage dresses too, Sophie! They are so pretty and totally unique. :)
1 reply · active 473 weeks ago
Right? I mean, I would've LOVED to live in those years for the clothing only!^^
I love posts where people just talk about themselves. Because I want to know everything. Not in a creepy stalkerish way of course, because that is not okay. I just love getting to know people, it makes me happy, I usually have a lot in common with them and I squeal. Squealing is great...
My recent post January Wrap Up
1 reply · active 473 weeks ago
Haha! I don't take it in a creepy way at all because I'm the same! I know I always check out the about page on a new blog because I want to know EVERYTHING about that person!^^ I want to know if we're the same age, if we share the same passions, the same reading taste...!
Vintage!! I don't own very many vintage items-a pair of gloves and a necklace from 19 century china. But that's awesome about your prom dress. Pictures would be greatly appreciated (hint, hint).
I'm almost exactly the same way about music, though country is (very slowly) growing on me. I never know what to title my playlists because there are so many different styles included in them. Do you have this problem?
I got a phone for Christmas and I am very addicted to it. *hangs head* I know, it's shameful. Perhaps you should do a post on living worhout a phone, or at least, without being on it all the time.
I think it's great that you don't have a role model. Yes, there are people with qualities I'd like to imitate, but there's no one person that I want to live my life like. It's my life; I'll have my own triumphs and shortcomings, thank you very much.
This was a lovely post, Sophie!
My recent post Can I Call Myself a Writer?
1 reply · active 473 weeks ago
I have to say that I don't own a lot of vintage pieces either, but I do love the style, the vibe of it you know?
Haha! If you insist (^^), I'll include it in a review or something, a ''Here's what the MC could've been wearing'' type thing!
Exactly! If someone asks me for the name of a song, I rarely know it. Especially when I add a lot of new ones to my i-pod at the same time. And don't even bother asking me about the artist!XD For me, Carry Underwood is as far as I'll go with country. There's just something about it... we don't agree.
I could do that too! Man, maybe I should hire you as my consultant for post ideas!XD (just kidding, I don't have money for you, sadly. But you do give GREAT ideas :D ) It's been a week since I've had my phone, but I'm proud of myself :) It's simply sitting on my desk and since I haven't told my friends about it and I don't plan to do so anytime soon, I think I'll be good. I bring it to work and that's it :)
Seriously, you simply get me. It's kind of really cool actually! Finding someone who shares the same way of thinkng as me! Like you say, it's not that I don't admire the work/qualities of certain people, but why should these qualities be there's? Why can't they be mine, period? Why can't I develop them on my own?
Thank you so much for stoping by!

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