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When I First Saw You #17

March 31, 2016

What is When I First Saw You?
When I First Saw You, or WIFSY for short, is a weekly meme created here on Sailing Through Books and co-hosted by Izel from A Bookish Flower and yours truly. It consists of sharing a first impressions of a book in the form of a made-up synopsis, so basically judging a book by it's cover yes. 

How does it work?

Every week, a new cover is chosen and is shared here at the bottom of the page. You write a synopsis for this book with the cover and title as your only guide. Then, you compare it to the real synopsis and laugh at how off you were or congratulate yourself on your amazing deduction skills!
You are free to post any day of the week, but the weekly WIFSY post will be up every Thursday with a link up so you can share your take on the week's cover.


"On the edge of seventeeeeeen!" (channeling my inner Stevie Nicks)

Hey guys! It's already the seventeenth edition of WIFSY! Can you believe it? It means seventeen made-up synopsis written, seventeen incredible books... and a lot more to come!

I want to apologize for absence lately, I've just been lazy...! #sorrynotsorry 
I do started writing a review, so that counts for something! I was hoping to get it up yesterday, but clearly that didn't happen! 
Anyways, it'll be up soon, promise! 

And now, back to what's happening today; here's this week's cover!
PS: Yes I now it came out earlier this week, but what can I say, Izel and I made a mistake, we thought it was coming out later this year! So you'll just have to deal, alright?:)

Title: The great american whatever
Author: Tim Federle
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Release date: March 29th 2016

My made-up synopsis

Mariane was running after the train, waving her hand one last time at Tom who was going away to school. Tom, the love her life. Tom, the man who had just proposed to him. The man who was the father of her unborn child...
Mariane was running after him, hoping to catch a last glimpse, and then... she woke up.

Mariane didn't understand where that dream had come from. Tom was Mariane's first boyfriend, they had dated in ninth grade and they hadn't spoke in the last three years. Why was she dreaming of him now? The dream had absolutely nothing to do with her life. Ugh. Stupid dream.

Suddenly, Mariane finds herself looking in hallways for Tom. After all, he was her first boyfriend, her first kiss... Wondering what he's like now, her questions will be answered at a party where Mariane and Tom will finally meet again, but she'll get more than answers...

Now pregnant at seventeen and back together with Tom who swore he wouldn't leave her alone, Mariane must try to make sense of her new life and realize that while her future might not hold a perfect family in a big house with a white picket fence like she always dreamed of, it might hold something even better: happiness.

The real deal

Quinn Roberts is a sixteen-year-old smart aleck and Hollywood hopeful whose only worry used to be writing convincing dialogue for the movies he made with his sister Annabeth. Of course, that was all before—before Quinn stopped going to school, before his mom started sleeping on the sofa…and before Annabeth was killed in a car accident.

Enter Geoff, Quinn’s best friend who insists it’s time that Quinn came out—at least from hibernation. One haircut later, Geoff drags Quinn to his first college party, where instead of nursing his pain, he meets a guy—a hot one—and falls hard. What follows is an upside-down week in which Quinn begins imagining his future as a screenplay that might actually have a happily-ever-after ending—if, that is, he can finally step back into the starring role of his own life story.


Wow, I am so proud of my synopsis! Or well, the idea behind it. I really want to write that story! I'll be honest, I was inspired by Love, Rosie, which is a great movie btw, you should totally see it! (probably a good book too, but I haven't read it) By that, I mean that I'm imagining my story developing over the course of many years, you know? From seventeen to twenty-five, even thirty maybe...

Anyways, now comparing it to the real synopsis: I could not have been more off! I think this one is actually one of the most off I've been so far, and it's actually quite funny!

The real deal sounds awesome. First, characters that are my age! YES! (or well, I assume since we're talking about college) Second, the plot is just WOW! I mean, I totally want! And  would totally buy it is it wasn't for my huge TBR pile. 
Time Federle: good job man. Your book sounds GREAT!


Our March giveaway is close! The winner will be announced next week on Izel's blog! Thanks to everyone who participated! 

Next week's cover

That's a wrap for today! Hope you enjoyed this post and that you'll consider participating in the future if you haven't already!

Take care lovelies!


Share the link to your WIFSY post so we can all laugh at how off we were or congratulate ourselves our amazing deduction skills!

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