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When I First Saw You #18

April 7, 2016

What is When I First Saw You?

When I First Saw You, or WIFSY for short, is a weekly meme created here 
on Sailing Through Books and co-hosted by Izel from A Bookish Flower and yours truly. 
It consists of sharing a first impressions of a book in the form of a made-up synopsis, 
so basically judging a book by it's cover yes. 

How does it work?

Every week, a new cover is chosen and is shared at the bottom of each post. 
You write a synopsis for this book with the cover and title as your only guide. Then, you 
compare it to the real synopsis and laugh at how off you were or congratulate yourself on your
amazing deduction skills!

You are free to post any day of the week, but the weekly WIFSY post will be up every 
Thursday with a link up so you can share your take on the week's cover.

Did you see yesterday's post? Did you? It was a review! 
It has been forever since I shared anything other than WIFSY posts, and reviews? Pff! I can't even remember! I'm sorry guys, I'm just having trouble adjusting to this new semester. 

Anyways, if you're new here, I hope you'll find WIFSY entertaining and consider participating in the future! If you've been here before, I hope you'll enjoy this week's synopsis because I went a little crazy with it! Make sure to leave a comment telling me YOUR opinion on this week's cover!

Title: Cure for the common universe
Author: Christian McKay Heidicker
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Release date: June 14th

My made up synopsis

The world was going to end, there wasn't any spark anymore, nothing that made it special enough to keep it going. So they invented a new one.


The Unicorn is dead. Rainbow graffiti start appearing on the walls of the city. People's keys go missing...

Everyone is getting suspicious. Could this be The Gang reforming? If so, what do they intend to do with all those keys?

Formely known as the best inspector in town, Milkshake hasn't been out in the open in a long time. After the disaster that occurred with The Gang ten years ago, he's been hiding in his home. Life is getting kind of boring, but when a rainbow appears on his door a Wednesday morning, everything changes and it becomes personal. With the help of his old associate Smood, Milkshake will put his inspector hat back on and get to the bottom of everything.

People can't believe it. Inspector Milkshake back at it again? But what they don't realize is that this time is different. Ten years ago, Milkshake had too much to lose and The Gang knew it. Now? He's got his water guns, his special glitter and nothing to lose but his shoes. No one is taking him down this time.

The real deal

Sixteen-year-old Jaxon is being committed to video game rehab . . . 

ten minutes after he met a girl. A living, breathing girl named Serena, who not only laughed at his jokes but actually kinda sorta seemed excited when she agreed to go out with him.

Jaxon's first date. Ever.

In rehab, he can't blast his way through galaxies to reach her. He can't slash through armies to kiss her sweet lips. Instead, he has just four days to earn one million points by learning real-life skills. And he'll do whatever it takes—lie, cheat, steal, even learn how to cross-stitch—in order to make it to his date.

If all else fails, Jaxon will have to bare his soul to the other teens in treatment, confront his mother's absence, and maybe admit that it's more than video games that stand in the way of a real connection.

Prepare to be cured.

The verdict

Unicorn VS Video games
Inspector Milkshake VS Jaxon
Special glitter and water guns VS social skills

Well, I sincerely think that this is the most off I've been since the beginning of WIFSY. I also think that it's the most fun I've had writing a made-up synopsis! I saw all the colors and the weird doodles and thought: let's go WILD!

As you will have realized, my synopsis is a bit nonsense, but I like it. You may think the complete opposite of that, but I would actually like to elaborate on this weird concept; on Inspector Milkshake and The Gang. And the unicorn.

The real synopsis though: cool! That's the word that came to me when I read it. It's so cool. I say this a lot because many books sound good, but this one just blew my mind. I want to read it SO BADLY! It has my name written on it. 

If ever you're reading this Christian McKay Heidicker, know that you're the bomb. Your book sounds amazingly refreshing and weird and fun and all around amazing!


You've all been waiting for this announcement, so I'll just get right to it:
The winner for our March WIFSY giveaway is Jess, from Princessica of Books!
Thanks to everyone who participated and if you didn't won, fear not! We have another giveaway for April starting NOW!

Next week's cover

Hopefully, you enjoyed reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it!
I'm really trying to get back into blogging guys, so bear with me alright? I know I've been doing a lot of WIFSY posts lately, but I'm trying to write more diverse content, promise!

Take care lovelies!

Share the link to your WIFSY post so we can all laugh at how off we were or congratulate ourselves our amazing deduction skills!

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